About hemp oil

About hemp oil2019-09-03T17:34:59-05:00

Better Care for Your Body

Did you know our bodies natural cannabinoids are powerful anti-inflammatories? Most people don’t.

  • Hemp Oil Won’t Get You High

  • No Harsh chemicals


“Quisque id leo non dolor tempor elementum quis ac urna. Nam pharetra, ligula eget finibus dignissim, turpis ipsum. Mauris at feugiat mauris. Nam a dolor eros. Nec molestie odio suscipit sit amet. Suspendisse pellentesque hendrerit massa, ut commodo libero congue et.”

Maggie H.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question about hemp oil or steady organics? We’re here to answer all your questions! Don’t see your question? Contact us.

Cannabidiol or Hemp Oil is a non psychoactive, non intoxicating ingredient of the cannabis plant. Hemp Oil is one of over 100 cannabinoids that have been identified in the hemp plant.
Scientist and academic researchers are just starting to study the benefits of hemp oil for the various benefits it can have.
Hemp Oil is not to be confused with marijuana or THC, in fact All Steady Organics products contain zero THC!
Hemp Oil and other cannabinoids interact with our endocannabinoid system. Endocannabinoids are naturally occurring cannabinoids found in the human
● Endocannabinoids — Cannabinoids produced by the human body
● Phytocannabinoids — Cannabinoids produced by plants
The Endocannabinoid system is responsible for maintaining homeostasis or the state of balance within the body. Cannabinoids are known for their antioxidant effects. Vitamin A and vitamin C are examples of common antioxidants.
Hemp Oil works by binding to receptors in the body’s endocannabinoid system, these receptors are found in virtually every cell type in the human body and have heavy concentrations in the gastrointestinal system.
The proper dosage for hemp oil rich products can vary from person to person. We recommend starting with a dose around 1mg per 20 pounds of body weight and adjusting from there. It’s best to stick with a dosage for a few days before moving up to a higher dose. You can take it in one dose or split your dosage into smaller portions throughout the day!
If you have never used a hemp oil product before, we recommend starting later in the day incase it makes you drowsy. Once you are comfortable with a dosage, try using it throughout the day to enhance your routine.
A lot of our customers want to make sure that hemp oil products are legal in their state, or they have questions about hemp.
Congress passed the 2018 Farm Bill on Dec 12, 2018. It removed hemp from the Controlled Substances Act, paving the way for the wholly legal cultivation, possession, sale, and distribution of the hemp plant. Hemp cultivation and hemp derived oil is legal in all 50 states, and all of our products are farm bill compliant.
The entourage effect is used to describe the increased effectiveness that occurs when using a phytocannabinoid rich compound versus a purified cannabis preparation.
In 2018, the US Food and Drug Administration approved an orally administered solution of 97% pure hemp oil with THC removed to treat two rare forms of childhood epilepsy. No other hemp oil products have been FDA approved.
There are no drug tests for hemp oil, and none of our products contain THC (the substance in cannabis tested for in drug screens). The legal limit for THC in hemp products is 0.3%. We cannot speak for THC containing products. That’s why we are so proud to say our products have ZERO THC.

If you have any other questions, please contact us

Expert Advice

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